Labour and Conservatives losing the Muslim vote

Survey of over 30,000 suggests an emphatic drop of Labour support amongst Muslims. Key Findings – Introduction Muslim Census, alongside MEND, conducted a snapshot survey to understand the impact of the Labour and Conservative parties’ reaction to events in Israel and Palestine on how British Muslims intend to vote. The survey was published on Tuesday, […]
[Snapshot Survey] Zakat in the UK

Survey finds overwhelming majority of British Muslims distribute their Zakat abroad. Within the month of Ramadan, the extraordinary giving habits of Muslims is emphasised. A report from Givebrite claimed that British Muslims donated over £150million to charity during Ramadan in 2020. A large bulk of the pounds donated are as a result of the many […]
Muslim women’s demand for religious spaces

Why we need to take women’s demand for religious spaces seriously There are a growing number of conversations that are needlessly proving polemic amongst young Muslims. In a world increasingly shaped by algorithms, likes, shares and specious quips, many of these dividing issues require more understanding and nuance than we have the time or attention […]
Food Bank Britain: A Third of Muslims Missed a Meal to Afford Bills Last Year

With a looming winter ahead and amongst a cost-of-living crisis, 19 per cent of all British Muslims have relied on food banks in the last 12 months. More and more Muslims are increasingly being forced to use food banks as a result of financial strain and hardship amidst the cost-of-living crisis. In our most recent […]
Early insights from the 2021 Census for Muslims

UK Muslim population grows by 1.2million in just 10 years as overall faith populations fall. The Office for National Statistics today released faith data for England and Wales from its 2021 Census. The results are in line with predictions regarding the religion residents of England and Wales connect or identify with, with religious adherence showing […]
How Social Media impacts Muslim mental health
Study shows several drawbacks of Social Media for young Muslims in the UK With social media becoming more popular, it raises many questions, is it dangerous for your mental health? This survey was created to hear the voices of Muslims living in the UK aged 13+ and understand their point of view on social media […]
Discrimination in medical research and healthcare
“We must not see any person as an abstraction.Instead, we must see in every person a universe with its own secrets,with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish,and with some measure of triumph. —ELIE WIESELfrom The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code” Studies of genetic diseases are generally largely based on European ancestry, […]
Labour at risk of losing half of their Muslim vote
Ongoing inaction on Islamophobia reveals consequential impact on the Muslim vote in next general election. Edited on 29/01/22 Limitations: Muslim Census conducted this study via an online survey that was shared across our multiple social media channels. The survey gathered a total of 1,042 responses between the 23rd – 26th January 2022. These responses were […]
Into our Private Lives: Exploring the Hidden Addiction
Pornography consumption and addiction – A cause for concern amongst Muslims in the UK The advent of the digital age has undoubtedly brought with it substantial and undeniable advantages. It has revolutionised manufacturing, medicine and communication and is now thrusting artificial intelligence, machine learning and alternative digital currencies into the limelight. Nevertheless, such promise and […]
Nationality and Borders Bill could disproportionately affect British Muslims
Over half of all British Muslims in the UK could now have their citizenship stripped without warning With the Nationality and Borders Bill passing through parliament last week, British Citizens in the United Kingdom could be stripped of their citizenship without warning. The proposed changes are set to disproportionately impact Muslims living in the UK […]